Reclaiming the Sacred in Birth

Creativity and wellbeing are our birthright. Our conditioning may have lead us to mistrust our bodies and to look outside for answers. The medicalization of birth still influences how we experience pregnancy and labor today. Yet this blessed womb activation is such a significant initiation in a woman’s life.

Pregnancy is a process that invites you to surrender to the unseen force behind all life. The rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind and the harmony of the soul create the symphony of life. Prenatal yoga and birth support are powerful tools to empower and support pregnant women throughout their pregnancies, labor and beyond.

Pregnant woman doing yoga

Whether we are birthing parents or not, we must reclaim the sacred in birth and the sovereignty of this miraculous body. When we rediscover this magic, we have access to worlds of possibility. When we tune into the natural healing abilities of this body temple we gain access to its wisdom. 


To teach prenatal yoga therapeutically to support a healthy pregnancy and birth.

To safely modify postures for pregnancy, with knowledge of modifications, contraindications and beneficial postures for each trimester.

The anatomy and physiology of pregnancy, including western and eastern perspectives and their effects on the body, mind and spirit.

To explore the territory of birth in all its realms: physiological, psychological, sociological, historical, political and spiritual.

Learn about – and heal – your own birthing stories.

Discover your authentic teaching voice and uncover the unique gifts that you have to offer through class exercises, the use of imagery, sequencing, birth art and facilitator support.

Learn skillful sequencing, positions for labour, asana for childbirth preparation and postnatal recommendations for recovery

Integrate all aspects of the practice: asana, breath work (pranayama), vocal toning, mantra, relaxation, working with themes, massage and pain reduction techniques to help create a more positive and relaxed birthing experience.

Come to an embodied understanding of our innate wisdom and the miracle of birth. 

-Compiled by ASY’s International Facilitators
Thank you to our many teachers, students, the Divine Feminine and pachamama for your wisdom, guidance and inspiration. To all those who have shaped our lives to bring us to this moment, we offer our gratitude and appreciation. We honor the many teachers that have walked this path before us and the bright souls who will continue to bring forth these ancient healing technologies into the world.