Enlightening Adventure: Top Reasons to Take Your Yoga Teacher Training Abroad

A yoga teacher training is a transformative journey that extends far beyond the mat. Of course you can become a certified yoga teacher and you will walk away with a deeper understanding of asana, pranayama, meditation and philosophy…but you will also return more connected to yourself, to earth, to your dharma.

A 200 HR Yoga Teacher Training is so much more than an educational deep dive into yoga…it is an opportunity to grow, transform & awaken!!

And what better way to embark on this life-changing adventure than by taking your Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) abroad? Here are the top reasons why packing your bags and traveling for your YTT can be the experience of a lifetime.

1. Immerse Yourself in Yoga’s Essence

Taking your YTT abroad allows you to immerse yourself in the essence of yoga. You’ll have the opportunity to learn from authentic facilitators and dive deep into the ancient practice. Stepping outside of your normal routine & environment also can help you fully immerse in the yogic lifestyle. In our abroad YTTs we rise with the sun, connect with our surrounding environment through sadhana & ceremony, & minimize outside distractions so we can fully drop in to our true nature.

2. Cultural Enrichment

Yoga is not just about asanas; it’s a way of life. By studying abroad, you’ll gain a broader perspective and appreciation for the depth of this ancient philosophy. You’ll also have the opportunity to learn from and embrace the local culture and traditions of the area. For example, in our 200 HR Sacred Earth YTT in Guatemala, we experience a traditional Mayan Fire Ceremony with local elders.


3. Explore Stunning Locations

Many YTT programs abroad are set in breathtaking locations. Whether it’s a serene beachfront in Costa Rica, the lush jungles of Mexico, or a tranquil lakeside retreat in Lake Atitlán, Guatemala, you’ll find yourself practicing amidst nature’s beauty, enhancing your connection to the Earth. Travel + expand your education & career path — a win-win!

4. Deepen Your Practice

Being away from your daily routine and responsibilities provides the perfect environment to deepen your yoga practice. You’ll have dedicated time for self-reflection, self-care, and self-discovery.

5. International Community

YTT abroad attracts people from all corners of the world. You’ll form connections with like-minded individuals who share your passion for yoga. These friendships can last a lifetime and create a global yoga community.

6. Personal Growth and Transformation

YTT is not just about becoming a yoga teacher; it’s about personal growth and transformation. The challenges and adventures you encounter abroad will push you beyond your comfort zone, fostering resilience and self-confidence.

7. Teaching Practice

Teaching yoga in a new cultural setting during your YTT is a valuable experience. It prepares you to adapt to diverse students and settings, making you a more versatile and effective teacher.

8. Escape from Routine

A YTT abroad is a break from the ordinary. It allows you to disconnect from the daily grind and dedicate time to yourself, your well-being, and your passion for yoga. Let’s dive in!!

9. Lifelong Memories

Your YTT abroad will be an unforgettable adventure filled with unique experiences, challenges, and moments of inspiration. These memories will stay with you, shaping your journey as a yoga teacher and as an individual.

Taking your Yoga Teacher Training abroad is not just a certification; it’s an expedition of the heart, mind, and soul. It’s a transformative adventure that empowers you not only to teach yoga but to live it fully. So, if you’re dreaming of becoming a yoga teacher, consider spreading your wings and letting the world be your classroom. Your yogic journey awaits!