
New Moon Magic : Meditation & Intention setting

The moon is earth’s oldest temple, she is deeply connected to the tides of our waters. They cycles of the moon holds much magic that can guide us in our day to day.  New moons are especially known for their relationship to new beginnings.

This Thursday July 12th will be a new moon in the sign of cancer; there is also a partial solar eclipse at the same time.

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New Moon Ritual: Practicing the Law of Attraction

With the upcoming New Moon, we are gifted the opportunity to align our energy with the energy of the Universe and it’s natural cycles and rhythm. As the sky becomes dark, we are encouraged to focus our attention inwards. This is the ideal time to connect with your inner-knowing of intuition and connect to the seeds of your desires. It is a powerful time to practice the law of attraction.

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A Ritual for Equinox

March 20th at 12:15pm EST marks the time of the Vernal Equinox in the northern hemisphere. A day when light equals dark. A day to celebrate balance. A day to initiate and celebrate new beginnings, to plant the seeds of our collective future. As the sun moves into Aries, we once again find ourselves at the first sign of the Zodiac, the beginning of the astrological new year, and an auspicious time to take stock of where we are at, release what we no longer need and take action towards an optimal future state.   

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