Chris Kummer

Naturopath + anatomy facilitator


Chris Kummer has been teaching yoga and movement anatomy for two decades. As a naturopath with a special interest in fascia-based functional posture and movement, he developed the AnatomyShow courses to help people around the world discover more sustainable movement and engagement patterns.
Practicing yoga already during primary school years to successfully correct scoliosis, Chris became fascinated with purposeful training and a desire to understand functional relationships within the body. Studying medicine in Germany and natural medicine in Australia allows him to draw on multifaceted approaches to health when teaching about our bodies and yoga practice. 
Having taught on over one hundred yoga teacher trainings around the world, Chris understands the uniqueness of each individual. Chris’ humorous teaching style to learn about how we move and  practice yoga reflects a blueprint to create balance in the many elements of our muscles, tissues and lives. 

Courses with Chris