Author name: Kristine

I took a nap! And nobody cared…

Why isn’t resting rewarded?  What is it about nourishment that just isn’t sexy? Why don’t we reward self-care and resting in the same way that we reward achievements and productivity? If we consider urban centres in North America (which is my most familiar habitat), the emphasis is set squarely on the doing, the going, the producing and the running around until we fall into bed in utter exhaustion at the end of the day.   Why are we always so busy?  Why do we often find ourselves in a loop of doing?

I took a nap! And nobody cared… Read More »

New Moon, New Year, New YOU?

Welcome to 2019! This New Year arrives on the cosmic scene alongside a powerful new moon in Capricorn on January 5th at 8:29pm ET.  As we enter into a new calendar year, the new moon presents us with a partial solar eclipse, the first of five eclipses in 2019.  An eclipse can be experienced as a profound turning point that catalyzes new beginnings, endings or the changes that your soul has been calling for.  The eclipse heightens the impact of this new moon, which will have a prolonged effect lasting for up to six months, until the next eclipse in early July. 

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Solstice Full Moon: The Radiance Ritual

A Self-Care Ritual for the Solstice Full Moon

 As 2018 draws to a close, it is an opportune time to acknowledge our connection to the natural rhythms of the cosmos.  This time of year can be associated with excess, especially for those that celebrate Christmas.  It can be a time of busy calendars, long to-do lists and a multitude of opportunities to over indulge on food, drinks and merriment.  There is nothing wrong with enjoying the holiday season, however the way that it is often celebrated in the Northern Hemisphere tends to be at odds with the natural rhythms of this time of year. 

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Heart Centered Leadership

Our minds are pretty awesome – no doubt – our mind organizes our thoughts, helps us to prioritize, keeps us safe and regulates many of our bodily functions so that we don’t have to. Awesome. Thank you mind! However, if we are interested in truth, alignment and expansion, the heart is our champion. The heart knows what’s up and spending time developing a connection to and relationship with the heart is a beautiful way learn more about yourself and to receive guidance that is alignment with your highest purpose.

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A Ritual for Equinox

March 20th at 12:15pm EST marks the time of the Vernal Equinox in the northern hemisphere. A day when light equals dark. A day to celebrate balance. A day to initiate and celebrate new beginnings, to plant the seeds of our collective future. As the sun moves into Aries, we once again find ourselves at the first sign of the Zodiac, the beginning of the astrological new year, and an auspicious time to take stock of where we are at, release what we no longer need and take action towards an optimal future state.   

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