Author name: Liz

Ritual as an Act of Intentional Living

Why do we need rituals?

I think we are all craving a little bit of deepened connection, magic, and spirituality in our lives.

Many of us don’t identify with a structured religious practice, leaving us to create our own ways of communing with the divine. When we have rituals in place they help us anchor our lives into the divine, helping us to become more present and intentional about the way we move along our day to day, keeping us focused along our path.

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Call To Peru

There is a certain kind of magic that I experience when I am in Peru that is hard to express in words. In the weaving of majestic landscapes, humble people, its’ culture, ancient history and mystical treasures, transports me to a place where I feel like everything vibrates and shines a bit more brightly. A place where I feel like the veil between this world and the spirit world is at it’s thinnest. A place where I feel more vitally alive…

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